Pastor’s Peak 3.10.20
2 Timothy 4:1-5 TPT
Timothy, in the presence of our great God and our Lord Jesus Christ, the One who is destined to judge both the living and the dead by the revelation of his kingdom—I solemnly instruct you to proclaim the Word of God and stand upon it no matter what! Rise to the occasion and preach when it is convenient and when it is not. Preach in the full expression of the Holy Spirit —with wisdom and patience as you instruct and teach the people. For the time is coming when they will no longer listen and respond to the healing words of truth because they will become selfish and proud. They will seek out teachers with soothing words that line up with their desires, saying just what they want to hear. They will close their ears to the truth and believe nothing but fables and myths. So be alert to all these things and overcome every form of evil. Carry in your heart the passion of your calling as a church planter and evangelist, and fulfill your ministry calling.
Never has this portion of scripture been more relevant in my life than today! I want to be a lover of truth no matter what the spirit of this age is doing. The other day while watching the news, a commercial came on for a product. It showed four couples endorsing the product, three of the four couples were same sex! So, I don’t remember the product, but I do remember the message that three out of four couples are gay! Wrong answer!
Almost every new prime time program has either the leading role, or one of the leading roles as a homosexual. Hollywood continues to pump out it’s message to tell us darkness is light and light is darkness, and that alcohol is the comforter of almost every star’s character at the end of the day! Most churches are now preaching a soothing message to confirm, rather than convert the sinner. So what are we to do? “Proclaim the word of God and stand upon it no matter what.” As we ramp up to do our new drama “End of Days,” our writers have written a script that confronts and exposes the lies of the spirit of this age.
When the Gospel is presented by the power of the Holy Spirit, the response is repentance and salvation!
We have seen in the past, when the Gospel is presented by the power of the Holy Spirit bringing light into the darkness of the heart of man, the response is repentance and salvation! It’s time to get the word out and “compel them to come!” The Father’s house is not yet full and the harvest is imminent! It’s time to pray and witness! We have seen what the Holy Spirit can do when we work with Him.
Contrary to what Hollywood tells us, there are a lot of hurting people out there who are looking for the truth and are sick of the lies, just like you and I were. There is always a harvest when laborers are available. Jesus told us to pray for laborers, not the harvest, why? There is always a harvest, but we have a labor shortage.
It’s time to bring some un-churched friends to “dinner and a movie”. An invitation goes a long way and as Christian films have proven over the years, people still want clean entertainment filled with truth. Hope will be restored to a lot of people when they see the power of the Gospel again!
The Holy Spirit and the angels of God are already working behind the scenes, and we get to co-operate with them in this endeavor. We are friends of God and co-laborers with Christ!
Want to get to work? Start by sharing this post and inviting people to come. When you get excited about the Lord, others get excited about the Lord! Zeal is as contagious as the flu and so is apathy. So we each choose which attitude we will manifest. As advertisers know it takes at least seven views for a message to get across, so let’s continue to invite, invite, invite! How many have you invited so far? How many will you invite today? Do your part and get your reward!
Romans 13:11-14 Put on Christ
11 And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.
13 Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy.
14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.
- Date - March 10, 2020
- Author - David Chisholm