Pastor’s Blog 5.1.20
The Comeback!
You know me, I love people and I love to gather with the saints and worship God! I am so excited to be able to gather in person again starting next Wednesday at 7PM!
We do have some guidelines for our return; we are going to follow protocol as much as possible. Please see below:
•If you are sick or at high risk for getting sick please stay home. We will be streaming on FB & Youtube as usual for you to watch.
•Practice social distancing by maintaining appropriate distance between people. Respect people’s wishes. We will have social distancing in place within the sanctuary for seating. If you’re a hugger, gathering again is going to be like a black bear in a honey factory, WE GET IT. But, we need to give people their space. 🙂
•Maintain good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, using hand sanitizer, using your elbow to cover coughs, and not touching your face. We will have multiple hand sanitizing stations throughout the church.
•Cafe will be open serving drinks however the dinner and breakfast bar will not reopen for an additional few weeks.
•Children’s Church will slowly open back up:
There will be no classes open for services May 6, 10, & 13. This allows our volunteers to connect back into fellowship and be filled 😀
May 17 & 20: Nursery, ones, and 2s classes will open. Sunday, May 24th: All rooms will open. 3/4’s Preschool will begin having class AFTER worship. This will be the new norm 😀However, we will have two rooms reserved for parents wishing to self supervise children 2 and under. Sorry wives, there are no available rooms for unruly husbands. They must sit in the front row. 🙂
It’s time! We have missed our awesome family. We can’t wait to see you Wednesday! Don’t forget to tune in this Sunday via FB live or Youtube at 10am. After worship, we will conclude with our panel discussions, which have been very popular.
Blessings to all, and I will SEE you soon!
Pastor Dave
- Date - May 1, 2020
- Author - David Chisholm