The God of Justice is Rising…..
On Wednesday, 12.12.18 – a prophetic song broke forth about God’s justice arising. It was not only powerful, but it came on the 12th day of the 12th month…(12 is the biblical number for government!)
Here is a link to the clip of this song:
Here are the words…..
The God of justice is rising, the God of justice is rising,
He’s gonna make the wrong things right, He’s gonna make the wrong things rightThe God of justice is rising, the God of justice is rising,
He’s gonna make the wrong things right, He’s gonna make the wrong things rightHEAR HIS ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lion of the Tribe of Judah! HEAR HIS ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The God of justice is rising, the God of justice is rising,
He’s gonna make the wrong things right, He’s gonna make the wrong things right.HEAR HIM ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEAR HIM ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lion of Judah HEAR HIM ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The people of God, we are arising, marching to the task that He’s enforcing
Not holding back, lifting our voices – we’re gonna stand, we’re gonna stand
The people of God are arising, picking up their swords to fight
Lifting up their shields of faith, for there’s an army arising!!!!
He’s gonna make the wrong things right (repeat 8x)
Speaking/declaring: Empowered by the Spirit, praying, interceding, oh we are going to lift our voices, not going to be lazy anymore – awaken us from complacency and slumber!
He’s gonna make the wrong things right (repeat 8x)
The God of justice is rising, the God of justice is rising,
He’s gonna make the wrong things right, He’s gonna make the wrong things rightSpeaking….
Trust Him, Trust Him – when you are questioned trust Him for the words, The Spirit of God will tell you what to say. when you are questioned – stand – no matter what comes our way
He has the victory – it’s all right it is settled, He has the victory! IT’S FINAL! IT’S FINAL! IT’S FINAL.
Declaring – A Generation rising, this generation is hope A strong generation – a strong generation that will stand – who will fight for the cause – the cause of Christ! Truth reporters standing up for holiness and righteousness – a generation rising
The God of justice is rising, the God of justice is rising, He’s gonna make the wrong things right, He’s gonna make the wrong things right. (emd)
WOW – the anointing and the power of God was on those words. Then it was followed up by a prophetic word through
Emily Ferguson:
When Nichole began to sing prophetically about Justice – He dropped this word in me. He showed me that a lot of our lives look like just total havoc being wreaked on them right now by the enemy and that everywhere we look, in every area of our life, it seems that we are being come against by the enemy. Whether it is our finances, our relationships or health – we look at God and go – what is the deal? I am doing everything I know to do, I am standing – I don’t know why this is happening – and He showed me this:
The enemy has been weaving around our lives like a playground, thinking God has surrendered us for defeat – but God says No, No, No, I’ve just stepped back for development and equipment for what is coming in your life. Because you have stood, and it feels like “I can’t do anything”, but you’ve stood so that means that you’re winning! As long as you keep standing you’re winning! Regardless of what your emotions are telling you, as long as you’re standing you are winning. And as you have stood in the pressing and you have continued to press back, you began to shine and that shining came from the anointing that is pouring from your life that is for what is coming next for you. And I heard the Spirit of God say: RECOMPENSE! (Nichole shared a word about recompense and I heard it echoing in my spirit again) Recompense and it means to make amends to someone who was harmed or has loss in their life. So God is sweeping through our lives with recompense.
I heard His Spirit say – the tides are turning, the tides are turning! That as the tides turn – a tsunami size wave is going to blow through our lives and take out everything in its path that was not intended for you by God. So continue to stand. When it doesn’t come when you think it should, know that God is not fast but He’s on time. He may not do it when you think He should but His timing is perfect. So when the sweeping comes it will be perfect. Continue to stand because the tides are turning.
Pray – God I pray right now and I prophesy over this room that we will be a people that will stand, that we will not be easily moved, we will not be swayed by our emotions and what’s happening, but I speak that we will be a people that is firm. We will be moved by our circumstances, we will stand and we will be bold in the face of our enemy because we know the power that is inside of us and we will declare the word of God and His promises in the face of our adversary and we will remind him whose we are in Jesus’ Name.
Then Deborah Guthrie added – The Lord says WHEN THE DUST SETTLES I WILL STILL BE HERE!
- Date - December 18, 2018
- Author - The Rock Parkersburg