I Will Pour Out My Spirit…..
Wednesday night service -7.25.18, was full of the Spirit of God! Joel 2:28 came alive! After worship, there was some prophetic ministry and flow.
It began with Joe Tenant admonishing us to allow others to grow from glory to glory, just as we, ourselves, grow from glory to glory! We can’t continue to look at others the way we have in the past…what if they do that to you? How will we ever minister to one another? He read out of Luke 4 and shared how people were amazed at Him, until someone said – isn’t that Joseph’s son? Folks, God wants to use all of us, regardless of where we came from! The beginnings of REVIVAL is here!
Then Brooke Nangle came forth with a vision she had recently where during praise and worship there came a great pressure under our feet and suddenly trees and plants began to burst forth through the floor, tearing down the walls and going out through the community. She said God has spoken two things: 1. We are about to birth new life and 2. There is about to be spiritual growth. She reminded us to stay humble because God could have picked any place, but He has chosen here! God is asking “Are you spiritually mature enough to carry this movement out?” She went on to say that the only way this will be carried out is if we carry this into our alone time with God – daily! GIVE GOD SOMETHING TO WORK WITH! She then prayed over us that we would give Him what He needs so that we can spiritually birth this MOVEMENT!
It didn’t stop there……then we have Emily Ferguson. She gave a corporate word, and then preached like a woman on fire! Here is the corporate word:
I hear God say, You come to Me and say, “Oh, God, fill me up Father, fill me with your living water, your spirit, fill me with you!” But my question to my children is are you being emptied or drained? Are you pouring out all the Spirit has poured into you, fulfilling your assignment day to day and awakening to who I’ve called you to be – or are you allowing the world to drain you? Are you allowing the lies and confusion of the enemy access into your mind and thoughts and choosing to believe him,- and giving him permission to come in and suck that life from you that I have filled you with? Are you allowing the situations and issues of life around you to drain you, instead of choosing to garment yourself in My joy and praise? Are you choosing to let your inability to prioritize what truly matters in life, drain you from having anything left to pour out into the world for Me?
Ask yourselves today are you being emptied by the Spirit or drained by the world? You choose which you allow. You give the world permission to drain you when you do not walk in victory and identity as a son or daughter. What are you allowing to fill you? Are you coming with your arms open, receiving a filling and outpouring from Heaven? Are you receiving your daily bread by communion and relationship cultivated and prioritized with Me? Are you being fed by the Spirit and living out the fruits of the Spirit, or are you letting the world feed you? Are you letting media, and culture fill you? Are you letting the world pour its poison out on you thus producing the fruit of compromise instead of the fruit of the Spirit? Are you so ignorant to My words that you can believe any word spoken by any man in a pulpit and accepting it as truth? Is the man with the relevant and trendy cutting-edge ideas, but isn’t preaching an uncompromised gospel of Jesus, your words of “God”, because you have made him your earthly idol, your god, because you haven’t taken the time to engage in intimacy and growth in your relationship with Me and hidden My words in your heart? so now these trendy preachers can sway you this way or that because your idol has fed you his empty false doctrine instead of My words of truth grounding you in a solid foundation.
When you pursue God and His word, you won’t have to follow man, you won’t have to worry or panic over knowing if you are being sucked in a doctrine of lies and confusion or not, because your foundation is built on My truth and your fulfillment will come from following Me, so when the man takes a wrong turn in his teaching and leading you won’t be deceived into following him down that path, you will stay on the way made straight and plain because you KNOW My voice and My word.
Fill yourselves with My truth, My word, be fed by My daily bread, and be emptied by the Spirit daily in your assignment to further expand the territory of TRUTH and LIGHT because YOU are My salt and light!
I desperately burn and yearn for a generation that is in love with the word of God
Wow! I encourage you to read this word and pray over it in your lives. There is a link below to the point in the service where this prophetic flow begins for each person. Avail yourself to this and let the Holy Spirit have His way!
- Date - July 26, 2018